Acest website isi propune sa informeze publicul prin intermediul unor fisiere
avi complete si partiale despre filmele internationale punand la dispozitia
publicului fisierele avi spre descarcare gratuita.
toate acestea insa, toate fisierele avi, informatiile sau orice alte date
cuprinse in www.3n1.do.am sau in
orice alt produs care este realizat si promovat de Fun Factory nu reprezinta activitate de piraterie.
Factory nu poate fi facut raspunzator in nici o masura, pentru nici o dauna, de
orice natura ar fi aceasta, provocata utilizatorilor sai de folosirea
fisierelor, informatiilor sau orice alte date furnizate de Fun Factory .
Termeni si
conditii de acces a siteului:
rugam sa parcurgeti acest document cu atentie..
accesarea siteului Fun Factory aflat la
adresa www.3n1.do.am denumit in continuare Fun Factory , sau prin orice alt fel de accesare a
continutului acestui website, va obligati sa respectati termenii documentului
de mai jos asupra caruia voi ati fost de acord.
situatia in care nu sunteti de acord cu termenii prezentului document, va rugam
sa parasiti
www.3n1.do.am si sa nu mai accesati acest site. Orice acces
al www.3n1.do.am va fi considerat, de acum incolo, un accept al termenilor si
conditiilor continute in pasi de mai jos.
web (weblinks)
aceasta pagina sunt afisate legaturi catre alte pagini web pentru care Fun
Factory nu isi asuma nici o responsabilitate. De asemenea FUN FACTORY nu are
nici o influenta asupra continutului de pe aceste pagini web care sunt afisate
prin legaturi (link exchange) pe pagina www.3n1.do.am
site nu incalca legea si nu este creat pentru scopuri ilegale.
un fisier nu este stocat pe serverele noastre.
apartin autorilor/proprietarilor si au fost
public pe site-uri upload fisiere
fisierele in format digital,video,zip, prezentate public pe acest site au un
rol strict distractiv, iar utilizatorul,odata cu accesarea acestui website, isi
asuma obligatia de a le sterge dupa cel mult 24 de ore de la ora descarcarii.
altfel, nici un fisier in format digital,video,zip nu este gazduit direct de
catre www.3n1.do.am .
website-ului "www.3n1.do.am ” nu isi asuma nici o responsabilitate pentru
scopul utilizarii fisierelor in format video dupa descarcarea lor.
semn de solidaritatesi respect pentru autori/proprietari,
” si proprietarii acestuia va invita sa cumparati filmele
in original de la dealer-ii autorizati.
reproducere,integrala sau partiala, a materialelor de pe acest website pentru
utilizare pe alte websiteuri sau forme ilegale de vanzare este complet
interzisa si se pedepseste conform Legii.
calitate de posesor ,” www.3n1.do.am ” anunta :
total interzisa reproducerea tagurilor ( liniilor informative si
din josul paginii ) atat cat si meta-tagurilor.
multumim, Echipa:: FUN FACTORY ::
rugam sa pastrati un comportament civilizat
postati injuraturi in cadrul unui comentariu la un film.
aduceti injurii la adresa altor vizitatori.
este permisa reclama la alte site-uri fara acordul staff-ului
www.3n1.do.am isi rezerva dreptul:
de a
modera comentariile vizitatorilor cu precizare in comentariu (intr-o paranteza)
ca postul respectiv a fost modificat de un administrator al site-ului;
de a
restrictiona accesul catre site vizitatorilor ce nu tin cont de limitele
bunului simt.
” provides links to other sites on the Internet (DivX host sites, novamov.com,
megavideo.com, myspace.com, tudou.com, veoh.com, youku.com, youtube.com and
others.) We do not host or upload any video, films or media files. Therefore, "www.3n1.do.am
” is not responsible for the accuracy, compliance, copyright, legality,
decency, or any other aspect of the content of other linked sites. If you have
any legal issues please contact the appropriate media file owners / host sites.
” Link Removal Policy
” takes matters of Intellectual Property very seriously and is committed to
meeting the needs of content owners while helping them manage publication of
their content online. It should be noted that "www.3n1.do.am ” is a simple
search engine of videos available at a wide variety of third party websites.
videos shown on third party websites are the responsibility of those sites and
not "www.3n1.do.am”. We have no knowledge of whether content shown
on third party websites is or is not authorized by the content owner as that is
a matter between the host site and the content owner. "www.3n1.do.am ” does not
host any content on its servers or network.
” is a pro-DMCA website and as such Content Owners can use the DMCA protocol to
request removal of links to videos that they believe infringe their copyright.
owners must understand that by having a link removed from "www.3n1.do.am they will not be removing the actual source
video from the 3rd party site. Content owners must contact the video hosting
site themselves to request removal.
owners must also understand that "3n1.do.am is a complex system of automatic indexers,
robotic scripts and user submissions; if a video exists on the web we will at
some point find it and index it. It is entirely possible that we will index a
previously removed video that is hosted using a different URL or different
hosting website. If this happens please let us know as per DMCA protocol and we
will address the issue.
do not send DMCA requests asking for entire channels, categories or shows to be
removed. We only accept requests for an actual link to be removed. This should
be in the format as follows:
If you
wish to request multiple link removals please use just one DMCA notice but list
all the URL’s in that request.
Millennium Copyright Act of 1998
accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (the text of which
may be found on the U.S. Copyright Office website at http://lcweb.loc.gov/copyright/),
"www.3n1.do.am ” will respond expeditiously to claims of copyright infringement
that are reported to "www.3n1.do.am designated copyright agent identified below.
If you
are a copyright owner, or are authorized to act on behalf of an owner of the
copyright or of any exclusive right under the copyright, and believe that your
work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please
report your notice of infringement to "www.3n1.do.am” by providing "www.3n1.do.am
designated copyright agent listed below
with the following information:
1. A
physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the
owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;
Identification of the copyright work claimed to have been infringed, or, if
multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single
notification, a representative list of such works at the Website;
Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the
subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is
to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit "www.3n1.do.am”
to locate the material; this must be in the form of a direct URL to the page on
which the infringing content is linked. This detail is necessary as each video
can have multiple links and to protect relationships with our partners we wish
to avoid deleting authorized links in error.
Information reasonably sufficient to permit "www.3n1.do.am ” to contact the
complaining party, including a name, address, telephone number and, if
available, an email address at which the complaining party may be contacted;
5. A
statement that the complaining party has a good-faith belief that use of the
material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner,
its agent or the law; and
6. A
statement that the information in the notification is accurate and, under penalty
of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the
owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
claims of copyright infringement on or regarding this Website should be emailed
to www.3n1.do.am designated agent at: 3n1fun@gmail.com